Scientific Publications
Medvedovska A. There is no someone else's pain?
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 276
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipro
- Year: 2023
- File: 2023_Medvedovska_inet.pdf
Hits: 788
The monograph focuses on the problem of the perception of the Holocaust in Ukraine in the public discussions of the second half of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century. It reveals and analyzes the plots of the Holocaust in works of art, journalism, and historiography of the late Soviet and post-Soviet period, and elucidates the prerequisites for its perception both in the USSR and in independent Ukraine. In particular, this research demonstrates the vision of the Holocaust problem of the Soviet dissident intelligentsia and Ukrainian post-Soviet liberal-democratic intellectuals. The author traced the evolution of Ukrainian public opinion through the prism of the perception of the Holocaust. Scrutinizing the most popular Western and Ukrainian diaspora periodicals made it possible to depict the ideas about the genocide of the Jews of Ukraine, common in the circles of the Western intelligentsia and Ukrainian emigration, and to investigate their influence on the attitude of Ukrainian post-Soviet society to the Holocaust. The study also addresses the process of academic development of the Holocaust in Ukraine and the analysis of key academic discussions around it.