Scientific Publications
Preparation of the "Generation of Wolves": Training Future Holocaust Executors (Sketches of NSDAP youth policy in the 1922– 1939)
(Sketches of NSDAP youth policy in the 1922– 1939)
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Author: Давлєтов Олександр
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 280
- ISBN: 978-966-383-608-9
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipro
- Year: 2015
- File: 2015_davletov_pokolenie_volkov.pdf
- Note: Davlyetov A. Preparation of “Generation of Wolves”: Training Future Executors of the Holocaust (Essays on youth policy in 1922-1939, the NSDAP) – Dnipropetrovsk: "Tkuma" Institute, 2015. – 280 p.
Hits: 1485
The book reveals the author's vision of the process of education of future executors of “the final solution of Jewish question” in Europe during the Weimar Republic and “Third Reich”. Using large amount of sources and historiographical material the author highlights little-known pages of history of youth policy of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party and examines the basic preconditions, ideological elements and organizational transformation, directions, forms and methods of the Nazi educational work with German youth.
The edition is recommended for professors of universities, teachers of secondary schools, post-graduates and students as well as for all those interested in the Holocaust research and the history of Germany in 20 c.