Scientific Publications
Extermination of Odesa Jews 1941-1943
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Author: Круглов Олександр
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 160
- ISBN: 978-966-383-492-4
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipropetrovsk
- Year: 2014
- Note: Kruglov O. Extermination of Odesa Jews 1941-1943 – Dnipropetrovsk: “Tkuma” Institute, 2014. – 160 p.
Hits: 1505
The book is dedicated to the events related to the extermination of the Jews of Odesa in 1941-1943 and the reflection of this tragedy in the Romanian and German documents, many of which are published for the first time. Author reveals the role of German and Romanian secret police in this tragedy, in particular in the deportation, the preparation and implementation of mass murders, researches the extent of their participation in these events, provides a critical analysis of the problems of the number of victims, makes an attempt, using little known documents and materials, to eliminate existing contradictions and inaccuracies in the study of the Holocaust in Odessa.
The book is recommended for professional historians, political scientists, teachers, graduate students, students and all those interested in the history of the Second World War and the Holocaust.