Scientific Publications
Jewish resistance in Ukraine during the Holocaust
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Edited by : Єлісаветський Стер, Альтман Ілля, Винокурова Фаїна, Гольденберг Марк, Ковба Жанна, Малахова Катерина, Маляр Йосиф, Тяглий Михайло, Фарімець Алла
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 376
- ISBN: 966-685-151-2
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipropetrovsk
- Year: 2004
- Note: Jewish resistance in Ukraine during the Holocaust: Collection of scholarly articles / Edited by М. Tyagly.— Dnipropetrovsk: “Tkuma” Institute, 2004. – 376 p.; illustrations.
Hits: 1387
The book presents the works on Jewish resistance to Holocaust during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine (1941–1944). The research deals with different types of resistance (economic, cultural, spiritual, religious) as well as armed resistance of Ukrainian Jews to ongoing genocide.
The book is addressed to experts historians, sociologists, psychologists, teachers and students, and all those interested in the Holocaust, World War II and Ukrainian hisroty.