Scholarly Journal
Holocaust studies #3
- Category: Scholarly Journal
- Author: Альтман Ілля, Зелліс Каспарс, Ковба Жанна, Круглов Олександр, Малахова Катерина, Олехнович Дмітрій, Петровський-Штерн Йоханан, Редліх Шимон, Романько Олег, Суровцев Олег, Феферман Кіріл, Щупак Ігор
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 252
- ISBN: 966-525-719-6
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipropetrovsk
- Year: 2006
- File: 2006_holocaust_stadies_3.pdf
- Note: Holocaust Studies: Scholarly Journal. – Issue # 3 – Dnipropetrovsk: “Tkuma” Institute, 2006, Ukrainian, Russian.
Hits: 1488
It is conceived as an open academic forum that publishes the achievements of researchers, specializing in the aspects of the Holocaust and other genocides’ studies.
The journal is aimed at the following tasks:
To stimulate in depth studying of various aspects of the Holocaust relating geographically to the Ukrainian territory (to reveal the regional specifics);
- To dissimilate sources not introduced into scientific use earlier and stored in Ukrainian and foreign archives;
- To employ historical sources of different character (testimonies, memoirs, etc.);
- To promote multidisciplinary approach and to encourage the experts in the field of sociology, political studies, philosophy and other humanities to participate in the Holocaust studies;
- To reveal succession of the historical events attempting to interpret the causes and preconditions of the Holocaust.
A special attention is given to the scholarly debates on the phenomenon of the Holocaust as a comparative case in the context of the world history and other genocides’ studies.
Zellis Kaspars, Oļehnovičs Dmitrijs
The Role of Antisemitic Cartoons in the Propaganda in Latvia during the Nazi Occupation (“Tēvija” newspaper, 1941-1945)
Kruglov Aleksandr
“Schießt ihn Tot”: The Role of Jeckeln’s Staff and his Subordinates in Extermination of the Ukrainian Jewry in Summer and Autumn, 1941
Petrovsky-Shtern Yohanan
“The Dead Jews”: A Reflection on Useable Past
Redlich Shimon
Morality and Reality: Metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts’kyi and the Jews during the Second World War and the Holocaust
Romanko Oleg
Russian Liberation Movement and the “Jewish Question” During the WWII
Surovtsev Oleg
Deportations of the Jewish Population from the North Bukovina as a Component Part of anti-Jewish Policy Implemented by Romanian Authorities
Shchupak Igor
The Nazi Antisemitic Propaganda Among the Local Population of Ukraine
Kovba Zhanna
Philip Friedman – Witness of Destruction of the Lviv Jewry