Educational Publications
Jews in Ukraine. Educational materials (Annex for the courses “History of Ukraine” and “World History”
- Category: Educational Publications
- Author: Кабанчик Ілля
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 232
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipropetrovsk
- Year: 2004
- Note: Jews in Ukraine. Educational materials (Annex for the courses “History of Ukraine” and “World History” / I. Kabanchik. – Lviv, 2004. – 232 p. In three parts. Fifth edition, enlarged and corrected.
Hits: 1313
The edition will help teachers of Jewish and non-Jewish schools, their students and a wider audience in the study of the history of Jews in Ukraine. Materials correspond exactly to the state program on “History of Ukraine” and “World History” and enable teachers to study the history of the peoples of Ukraine deeper as the history of the Jews is closely integrated into the past of all ethnic groups of the country. Particular attention is paid to historical events of the twentieth century and the Holocaust.
The book is designed for a wide circle of Ukrainian and Jewish public, first of all secondary school teachers and students.