Educational Publications
History of grief and heroism: Methodological manual on the Holocaust for school teachers
- Category: Educational Publications
- Author: Кабанчик Ілля
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 96
- ISBN: 966-685-140-7
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Zaporizhia
- Year: 2004
- Note: Kabanchik І. History of grief and heroism: Methodological manual on the Holocaust for school teachers. – Dnipropetrovsk: “Tkuma” Institute, Zaporizhzhya: Premier, 2004. – 96 p.
Hits: 1172
Kabanchik І. gradually traces the emergence of anti-Semitism in Germany and the formation Nazi policy towards the Jews, the main stages of mass extermination of Jewish population of Ukraine, location, number of victims and participants of executions. The author highlights the armed and spiritual resistance of Jews in ghettos and camps, participation in the partisan and underground movement and in the frontline of the Great Patriotic War, and also talks about the unforgettable feats Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations.
These methodological materials are recommended for educators teaching the Holocaust history, as well as for students.