Educational Publications
World History: 10th form
підручник для 10 кл. загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів
- Category: Educational Publications
- Author: Морозова Людмила, Щупак Ігор
- Editor: "Premier"
- Pages: 272
- ISBN: 978-966-685-199-7
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Zaporizhia
- Year: 2010
- Note: Shchupak І., Morozova L. World History: Textbook for 10th form of comprehensive educational institutions. – Zaporizhzhya: Premier, 2010. – 272 p.: illustrations, maps.
Hits: 1381
The textbook covers history starting from the late nineteenth century to 1929. Historical events and phenomena associated with radical socio-economic and political changes in Europe and the world are reviewed; special attention is paid to new ideological trends in society, development of culture and everyday life.
The textbook has special system of structuring educational material and definition of basic concepts. It contains fragments of historical documents, references and additional information, illustrations, maps, questions and tasks aimed at creating interest of students to the history and improving the efficiency training.