On April 18, 2016 Mykolayiv hosted methodological seminar for teachers organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” in cooperation with Mykolayiv Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training. Dilfuza Hlushchenko, the Holocaust Museum Head of Research Department, and Iryna Piskariova, “Tkuma” Institute Head of Educational Department, told teachers about peculiarities of teaching World War II and the Holocaust history teaching and presented multimedia version of the textbook on this topic developed by Dr. Igor Shchupak.
On April 20, 2016 seminar “Holocaust and Understanding the Lessons of World War II: Methodological Alternatives of Teaching” was conducted. History teachers of Mykolayiv region secondary schools became the participants of the event. “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum Educational Department staff told teachers about museum pedagogy on the example of the Holocaust Museum and presented its educational programs.
In addition, participants of both seminars joined practical sessions where they had an opportunity to talk about their relatives during the Holocaust and World War II and create the “wall of memory” on the base on family photos, documents, etc. The session aroused great interest among the teachers, who would try to integrate such approach into the educational process.