During November 27–28, “Tkuma” Institute conducted educational events on the Holocaust history for schoolchildren and students in parallel with All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “New standards, programs, tutorials, and challenges in school history education” in Chernihiv.
Iryna Piskarova, head of “Tkuma” Institute Educational department together with researcher Vladyslav Bazylevskyi, held a series of educational lessons for students within the framework of “Marathons of Living” project. The lessons were held in secondary school №1, №33 and lyceums№ 15 in Chernihiv. During the lessons, the importance of gathering family memories of World War II, preserving the memory of the Holocaust in Ukraine, rescue, and the Righteous among the Nations topics were discussed.
Dr. Igor Shchupak, met with students from the National University “Chernihiv Kolehium named after T. H. Shevchenko, and held an interactive lecture-discussion on the Holocaust topic. The Holocaust history in Ukraine issues, the lessons of World War II and the problems of tolerance were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the fate of the Righteous among the Nations in Ukraine.