On June 24-27, an international seminar for Ukrainian educators “Auschwitz – history and symbolism” was held in Poland, organized by “Tkuma” Institute and the International Center for Education on Auschwitz and the Holocaust of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. This was the first seminar for Ukrainian teachers at the Auschwitz Museum since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine.
The seminar began with learning about the history of Auschwitz through a historical walk and a visit to the Jewish Center and Gemra Lomdei Mishnayot Synagogue. The following days were devoted to the in-depth acquaintance of educators with the history of Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as the museum's current efforts to preserve and preserve the memorial space. The participants of the seminar had the opportunity to visit the conservation laboratories, see the museum collections, as well as take part in several thematic practical classes at the International Center for Education about Auschwitz.
“Classes at the Educational Center provided an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the significance of the history of Auschwitz today, particularly in the context of the Ukrainian experience of the war. Today, because of the war in Ukraine, all information, excursions, stories of people of those times are perceived in a radically different light. During each part of the seminar program, we made parallels with events of the past, some of which changed our perception of current events and our attitude towards them”, – shared the participant of the seminar Julia Vradii (Dnipro).
“Despite the ongoing war, education about the Holocaust and the period of the Second World War in Ukraine is developing, new curricula, textbooks, curricula are being created, trainings are being held for teachers, Dr. Igor Shchupak emphasized. – In this context, cooperation with the Auschwitz Museum is very important; we plan to continue developing it and jointly implement educational projects for teachers from Poland and Ukraine”.