In June 8-10, 2016 POLIN Museum (Warsaw) hosted International Conference “Jewish Cultural Heritage: Projects, Methods, Inspirations”. Dr.Igor Shchupak, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Director, was invited to participate in the Conference.
During the conference participants discussed the role of Jewish cultural heritage in contemporary Europe and various aspects of its protection and promotion. For whom is Jewish cultural heritage being preserved and interpreted? What is its role in the renewal of Jewish life and memory? What is its impact on local and diasporic communities? How does Jewish cultural heritage figure in educational, artistic, and cultural programs? These and other topics were in the focus of scholars and museum professionals from all over Europe.
As part of the conference, Dr. Igor Shchupak made a presentation “Jewish Museum as a Place of Intercultural Interaction and Dialogue”. The presentation aroused great interest of the audience and active debate after.