On January 26, an educational seminar for history teachers and methodologists of the Odea region was held, organized by “Tkuma” Institute with the support of the Odesa Academy of Continuing Education. The event dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day was held by Dr. Igor Shchupak.
During the seminar, the participants discussed the peculiarities of teaching the Holocaust history today, in the conditions of the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine, and discussed the challenges and problems facing Ukrainian history education. Particular attention was paid to the topic of updating historical material in modern educational publications and reflecting the history of World War II and the Holocaust in history textbooks.
“It is pleasant that more than 200 teachers signed up for the online meeting, most of whom took part in the conversation. And about 15 colleagues came to the meeting “live”, – noted Dr. Shchupak. – And the dialogue itself turned out to be professional and especially warm, very interesting and "interactive”.