During November 23-24, 2016 Nizhyn hosted several educational events conducted by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” together with local partners. Iryna Piskariova and Maryna Strilchuk, “Tkuma” Institute educators, held educational mobile exhibition dedicated to the Babyn Yar tragedy and heroism of Righteous Among the Nations. Classes were held for schoolchildren of Nizhyn Regional Pedagogical Lyceum of Chernihiv Regional Council and Nizhyn Lyceum of City Council. During the classes Iryna Piskariova told the pupils about the fate of her grandfather during the Second World War and drew attention to the importance of studying the topic of war through the history of family.
“Tkuma” institute also participated in the seminar dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Babyn Yar Tragedy. Schoolchildren and teachers told the audience about the events that took place in Kyiv on September 29-30, 1941, stressed the importance of preserving the memory of Babyn Yar and the need “to be today the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves...”. Participants also paid attention to the topic of rescuing Jews during the Holocaust, in particular, Ustyniya Petrenko – Nizhyn Righteous who saved two Jewish girls.
During the visit “Tkuma” Institute also conducted presentation of educational mobile exhibitions and “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum programs for teachers, school and university students, in particular International Contest “Lessons of War and Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance” organized under support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.