On May 04, 2019, scientific conference “‘Sobornist’ Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the ‘Great Re-Unification’ of Ukrainian Lands” was held at the Ukrainian Museum (New York, USA). The conference was hrld in a series of “Ukrainian Historical Encounters Series” events the main initiators and organizers of which were Center for US – Ukraine Relations, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ukrainian Harvard Studios etc.
Famous scholars and politicians, in particular Denys Semenovych (Consulate General of Ukraine in New York), prof. Lyubomyr Hayda (Harvard University), prof. Anna Procyk (New York University), prof. Zenon Vasylivv (Ithaca College), dr. Andrii Kogut (Branch archive of the Security Service of Ukraine), dr. Volodymyr Birchak (Center of the liberation movement studies, Ukrainian Catholic University), dr. Philipp Carber (US Secretary of Defense), Huseyn Oilupinar (Harvard University), dr. Serhii Kvit (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy; National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Ukraine) and others were among the event participants. Dr. Yehor Vradii, deputy director of scientific work presented “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies at the conference.
The conference speeches and panel discussions were devoted to comprehension of the Ukrainian Sobornist’experience of struggle, as well as analyzing and forecasting of contemporary challenges, which threatens to it. These issues that are relevant to the Ukrainian state and society have become the subject of discussion during the final panel of the conference. Speakers dr. Serhii Kvit and dr. Yehor Vradii were thinking over the «Sobornist’» meaning in the area of historical memory and ways of presenting the history of Ukrainian lands, the temptation of national selfishness during the historical narrative creation, on the one hand, and the danger of stereotyped openly mythologized ideas about the past, created in the Soviet empire on the other. Dr. Yehor Vradii in his speech focused attention on the most popular discussions in Ukraine and abroad which are related to the tragic experience of the twentieth century, in particular the Holodomor in 1932 – 1933, the Holocaust, deportation of Crimean Tatars and other Crimean peoples. The importance of these terrible phenomena studying is extremely relevant now, because dehumanization technologies – as the first stage on the way to genocide, are used by several countries of the world and now in the 21st century.