On November 17, the International Scholarly and Educational Conference “Holocaust in Ukraine and Yavoriv: Memory and Warning” (dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of the Yavoriv ghetto) took place. The event was organized by the Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, US Peace Corps volunteers in Ukraine and Osyp Makovei Yavoriv Gymnasium named after.
The program of the conference included presentation of “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum activities. Iryna Piskariova, head of “Tkuma” Institute Educational Department, presented the possibilities of using interactive multimedia technologies in studying and teaching the Holocaust history, and also talked about the Institute’s educational projects, which can be joined by history teachers, school and university students. Vladyslav Bazylevskyi, Educational Programs Coordinator, presented a mobile education exhibition on the Holocaust history and shared the experience of creating and using such exhibitions in practice.