About the Journal


Holocaust Studies: A Ukrainian Focus is an international peer-reviewed annual academic journal, published by "Tkuma" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies since 2002.

The journal covers the phenomenon of the Holocaust as well as other genocides which took place in the 20th century. It focuses primarily on Ukrainian issues and attempts to put them into large context of the world and European history.

This project seeks to promote the development of Ukrainian historiography of the Holocaust, to make it a part of the historical narrative and to encourage an academic dialogue between Ukrainian and foreign researchers, by publishing the following materials:

• original research papers;

• translations of foreign academic texts which are important for Ukrainian Holocaust studies;

• commented sources;

• reviews of the latest writings;

• overviews of the most up-to-date academic events.

The Journal publishes materials in Ukrainian, Russian and English.  All articles have been accompanied by extended summaries in English.

The editors invite Ukrainian and foreign researchers to submit their papers focusing on:

• theoretical, methodological and synthesis studies on the Holocaust;

• comparative Holocaust studies in Ukraine and other countries of the Former Soviet Union, Eastern and Central Europe; comparative analysis of specific historical and civilizational aspects of the Holocaust and other genocides;

• case studies on various Holocaust episodes in Ukraine;

• regional and local Holocaust studies in Nazi-occupied Ukraine;

• researches on the role of the Jewish factor in cultural and historical process preceding or following the Holocaust;

• source studies and historiographical reviews;

• studies on the global memory and perception of the Holocaust in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Printed version of the Journal is sent to the most significant academic, educational, and cultural institutions of Ukraine and worldwide. The PDF-version is available at the "Tkuma" Institute web-site: http://tkuma.dp.ua.