Category: Other Publications
Editor: "Tkuma"
Pages: 180
Library: Tkuma Publications
Location: Dnipropetrovsk
Year: 2011

Hits: 1822


The edition is recommended for publication by the Academic Council of M. Glinka Dnipropetrovsk Conservatory.

The book is dedicated to the creative activity of one of the founders of Dnipropetrovsk piano school, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, a wonderful pianist and an outstanding teacher M. Gaiman that brought up several generations of highly qualified pianists.

The book reflects M. Gaiman fate during World War II, when due to the occupation of Ukraine by Nazi Germany, she was forced to evacuate to Siberia to Tobolsk city, and there continue her active creative work.

The book is designed for teachers, pupils and students of music schools and those interested in the history of piano culture of Dnipropetrovsk.