Category: Multimedia
Editor: «Rozumniki»
Library: Tkuma Publications
Year: 2015

Hits: 2448


After the release of multimedia e-book “World History: Textbook for 11th Form” by I. Shchupak that includes additional methodical and historical materials for teachers and senior school-pupils on the World War II and regional Holocaust specifics in Ukraine “Tkuma” Institute decided to continue the development of multimedia manual with the focus on regional aspect of the Holocaust History in Ukraine that is why it was decided to create special educational electronic manual “Holocaust in Ukraine: Multimedia Map”. The e-book contains the electronic map showing the fullest topography of the Holocaust in the territory of Ukraine, interviews with the Holocaust survivors, films and the links to the informational resources, books, photos and documents that could be useful during the educational process and learning the topic of the Holocaust.
The manual was released in April 2015 in the amount of 500 copies and was distributed among the teachers, who can use this book during the educational process