On October 7, the 14th All-Ukrainian methodological seminar for educators “New Ukrainian school: learning / knowledge about the Holodomor and other genocides. School historical education during the Russian-Ukrainian war” was held on the basis of the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education organized by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine and HREC in Ukraine. Dr. Igor Shchupak was invited to participate in the event as a speaker.

The participants of the educational event were history teachers, teachers and methodologists from the Lviv region. The following addressed those present with congratulatory words: Raisa Yevtushenko, chief specialist of the department of educational content, educational and extracurricular work of the directorate of school education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; director of the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Dr. Pavlo Khobzei; leading researcher of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of the Ukrainian Research and Educational Center for the Study of the Holodomor (HREC in Ukraine) prof. Lyudmila Hrynevych; Dean of the Faculty of History of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko Prof. Ruslan Syromskyi.

Then the work of the seminar took place on two discussion panels: “New / important in academic research and school education about the Holodomor – the genocide of the Ukrainian people” (moderator – professor of the Department of Social Science Education of the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education Kostyantyn Bakhanov) and “Reform of school history education: we discuss the road map” (moderator – Prof. Lyudmila Hrynevych). Educators discussed the conceptual principles of reforming history education in the system of general secondary education and ways and terms of their implementation, methods of introducing topics from the history of genocides into history education, the use of various technologies in history lessons, etc.

Moreover, the speeches and discussions, the participants of the seminar had the opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibition of the member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine, Mykola Yevtushenko, “Ukraine in Borno: Masks of War and Genocide.”

The video recording of the seminar will be published additionally.