On December 20, the second webinar “Cultural and historical heritage as the basis of Ukrainian national identity in the face of Russian aggression” was held for teachers and lecturers. The following lectures were held as part of the online educational event:
- “Roots of the Ukrainian political tradition: property of the Commonwealth of Nations” (Prof. Nataliia Starchenko, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv);
- “The formation of national combat traditions in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, on the example of military units of the Operational Command East” (Vasyl Pavlov, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyiv);
- “The formation of the psychology of the Cossacks as “people of war and the Border”” (Dr. Oleh Repan, associate professor of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, captain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Dnipro).
The work was moderated by Dr. Igor Shchupak.
You can view the recording of the broadcast by the link.