On June 21–25 Lutsk hosted summer workshop conducted by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies. The event was organized by Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, Ukrainian National Memory Institute, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, I. Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of NASU. History teachers from all over Ukraine became the participants of the summer workshop.
The researchers presented a series of highly topical reports on World War II and the Holocaust. In turn, teachers had the opportunity to share their methodological practices and studies of the Holocaust tragedy, Ukrainian resistance movement and other topics of World War II. As presenters “Tkuma” Institute invited: Dr. Tamara Bakka, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Social Sciences and Gender Education run by M. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, director of Ukrainian Union of Teachers of Social Sciences and Civic Education; Dr. Lesya Bondaruk, Ukrainian National Memory Institute representative in Volyn region; Dr. Fayina Vynokurova, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the State Archives of Vinnytsya region; Dr. Iegor Vradiy, “Tkuma” Institute Research Associate, Maksym Hon, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science of Rivne State Humanitarian University; Oleksiy Honcharenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology of H. Skovoroda State Pedagogical University; Tetyana Ladychenko, Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Social Sciences and Gender Education run by M. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Head of Ukrainian Union of Teachers of Social Sciences and Civic Education; Dr. Tetyana Meleshchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Social Sciences and Gender Education run by M. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Ukrainian Union of Teachers of Social Sciences and Civic Education Officer; Yuriy Mytrofanenko, Senior Lecturer of theory and methodology of secondary education of Kirovohrad Institute of Advanced Teacher Training; Valentyn Rybalka, “Tkuma” Institute Research Associate; Oleh Rudyi, History teacher of Khmelnytsky secondary school #8, teacher-methodologist; Lyubov Tyahlo, Lecturer in language training of Dnipro Medical Academy; Dr. Igor Shchupak, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” director.
Within the framework of the workshop “Tkuma” Institute organized “round table” on the topic “World War II and the Holocaust History Studies for Awareness and Understanding of the Problems of Modern Society Development”.
Summer workshop program included rich program of educational guided tours. Educators and researchers not only visited the Lutsk Castle and Lesya Ukrainka Museum in Kolodyazhne but also joined the tour “By the Streets of Jewish City” conducted by Volyn local historian and journalist Oleksandr Kotys.
Continuation of scholarly debate and exchange of experiences took place during the International Conference“Ethnic Conflicts During World War II: The Experience of Central-Eastern Europe” conducted on June 23-25 in Lutsk.