On March 25, educational seminar for Polish and Ukrainian teachers «Holocaust studies in Ukraine for the formation the atmosphere of tolerance», organized by «Tkuma» Institute, Museum «Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine» together with State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau started it’s work.

Iryna Piskariova, head of educational programs of «Tkuma» Institute, Anna Stanchik, deputy head of educational projects at the International Education Center for Auschwitz and the Holocaust, Dr. Igor Shchupak, made greetings to the educational event participants. Intensive program waited for Ukrainian and Polish teachers:

- lecture-discussion on «The Holocaust, World War II and other aspects of history in the Ukrainian and Polish history textbooks»: Dr. Igor Shchupak told about the Ukrainian-Polish commission of experts experience;

- master class on bioplasty from the artist Svitlana Adashkevich;

- practical lesson «Museum «Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine»: The Holocaust and other tragedies of the 20th century in the context of Jewish and World history» - Dr. Iehor Vradii, deputy director on scientific work of «Tkuma» Institute and Dr. Denys Shatalov, head of scientific department were held;

- lecture-presentation «Memory of the Holocaust in the USSR and modern Ukraine: case of selective amnesia» from Dr. Anna Medvedovska, «Tkuma» Institute senior research fellow.

Three days of intensive educational work in Dnipro and Kyiv waiting for the seminar participants.