“Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, “Beit Chana” International Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute in the initiative of Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter offer course of lectures “JEWS AND UKRAINIANS: A MILLENNIUM OF CO-EXISTENCE” by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, Professor of Jewish History in History Department at Northwestern University (Chicago, USA).

The course will last from September 4th to 13th, 2017 and will include 8 lectures (2 classes every academic day); after successful completion of the course students will be awarded with an official certificate.

The course is designed for students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers and anyone interested in the history of Jews, culture and history of Ukraine.

We offer two mini-grants to cover accommodation and meals during the course for students from other cities.

The lectures will be delivered in Ukrainian from 15.00 till 18.15 at “Tkuma” Institute (4/26, Sholom Aleichem Street, “Menorah” Center, Dnipro).

Requirements for participants: regular attendance of lectures, short written assignments and mini-course work.

If you want to join the event please fill online form at http://tkuma.dp.ua/index.php/ua/obrazovanie/reiestratsiia-na-osvitnii-kurs by July 27th, 2017.

Number of participants is limited!

Students from other cities who wish to receive a grant must send CV and motivation letter.


Jews and Christians in the Ukrainian lands


Where and when did the Jews come to Ukrainian Land? Who are the Khazars and what is their relation to Jews and Slavs? What was the attitude of Orthodox Church and Catholic magnates to the Jews? What is different between Jewish and Slavic material culture?

This intensive course of lectures offers a new look at the East-European Ashkenazian civilization in the historical lands of Ukraine. The special attention will be paid to the cultural, economic, religious, political and inter-confessional aspects of Jewish history on a broad background of medieval, early modern and modern history of Ukraine. This course will serve as a powerful foundation for further research of Jewish history and culture in Ukraine and will contribute to strengthening Jewish-Slavic relations.