On May 10, the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Relevant problems of the theory and methods of teaching history” was held online, organized by the Zaporizhzhia National University in partnership with the I. Franko Drohobyts'kyi State Pedagogical University, B. Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University, A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University. Dr. Igor Shchupak was invited to participate in the event.
The conference was designed to highlight the urgent problems of historical education and to offer methodical recommendations for its improvement. The work took place in several sections: “Problems and prospects of studying the modern Russian-Ukrainian war in educational institution”, “Methodology of teaching history in basic and specialized high school: challenges and answers”; “Digital technology in history education: new opportunities, new perspectives”; “Challenges in teaching historical disciplines in institutions of higher education.”
Dr. Shchupak spoke at the plenary session with a report devoted to the updating of historical material and the use of digital technologies in modern history textbooks. Among the topics of the reports that were heard during the conference were, in particular, the following: “History of World War II in the school course of world history: new accents and challenges” (Dr. Yuriy Vilkhovy), “Problematics of studying traumatic topics in history lessons in institutions of general secondary education of Ukraine” (Dr. Tetiana Gruzova), “Binary lesson of Ukrainian history and foreign literature. World War II through the prism of history and literature: John Boyne “The Boy in Striped Pajamas” (Yulia Totska), “Formation of historical memory as the main task of teaching the history of Ukraine in higher educational institutions” (Dr. Olga Goncharova) and others.
The texts of the reports will be published in the conference proceedings.