Category: Educational Publications
Editor: "Premier"
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-966-685-201-7
Library: Tkuma Publications
Location: Zaporizhia
Year: 2011
Note: Shchupak I. World History. Modern Period (1939–201). 11th form. – Zaporizhzhya: Premier, 2011. – 272 p. – Russian.

Hits: 1107


This textbook has been compiled according to the new Governmental Program on history for comprehensive educational institutions in Ukraine

Book is a winner of the All-Ukrainian Contest of textbooks by the Ministry of Education and Science and is recommended for use in all Ukrainian secondary schools since the new academic year. It was compiled according to the new Governmental Program on history for comprehensive educational institutions in Ukraine

The issues “World War II”, “Anti-Semitism”, “Nazis New Order”, “Resistance Movement”, as well as “the Holocaust” and “Establishment of the State of Israel” are included into the obligatory educational course in this textbook. It is the only example of such textbook on history in FSU.

Due to distribution of this textbook via the Ministry of Education and Science among the public educational institutions of Ukraine, thousands of students and teachers received the information about Nazism and its anti-Semite nature and about aspects of Holocaust tragedy.