On January 26-28, 2016 “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies hosted All-Ukrainian Seminar for History Teachers dedicated to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The event was organized by “Tkuma” Institute and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”. The educational seminar gathered secondary schools History teachers and methodologists from different regions of Ukraine. The event became possible due to assistance of and financial support of Conferenceon Jewish Material Claims against Germany and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.
During the opening of event the welcoming speeches were made by: Dilfuza Hlushchenko, Head of “Tkuma” Institute Research Department; Dr. Natalya Zinevych, Senior Research Associate of M.S.Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archival and Source Studies; Iryna Piskariova, Head of “Tkuma” Institute Educational Department; Prof. Octavian Ticu, Senior Research Associate of Academy of Sciences of Moldova; Dr. Igor Shchupak, Director of “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum. Speaking at the opening of the seminar,
Dr. Igor Shchupak told about how the theme of genocides of other nations is demonstrated in the Museum and what new exhibition would be opened soon. He also informed teachers about special set of educational and methodological materials for lessons on the topic of the 75th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy (September 2016), which “Tkuma” Institute would prepare.
Program of the seminar, which was held simultaneously with the International Seminar for Students and Young Teachers, included Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” guided tour, master-classes, trainings, workshops and lectures. In particular, during the first day Svitlana Adashkevych, head of fine artists’ group, organized master-class on bioplastics technology. Dr. Yegor Vradiy and Iryna Piskariova held a practical training “History of Family – History of Country”. During this session participants used photos and copies of documents from family archives to create “Memory Wall”. Participants of the International Seminar for Students and Young Teachers from Moldova, Poland and Ukraine joined this symbolic session.
Next day Dr. Anzhela Helback, Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Correctional Education of Kirovohrad Regional Institute of Advanced Teachers Training, held lecture devoted to the behavioral strategies of prisoners in concentration camps. Lecture “What to do with our history, which interferes with our future” by Dr. Igor Shchupak was very topical. The lecturer shared his own interpretation of controversial pages of history and present days. Fayina Vynolurova, Deputy Head of State Archive of Vinnytsya Region, held a practical training “Working with Historical Sources for Covering World War II and the Holocaust History”. She described the stages of work with sources and the importance of their use in research. Teachers were also impressed by master class on oral history research organized by Dr. Oleg Repan, Associate Professor of Department of History of Ukraine of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University. He described the method of work with oral testimonies during the History class.
In addition to practical and lectures, teachers participated in psychological training. Dr. Mridula Ghosh, Director of East European Development Institute, conducted training on human rights, unity and reconciliation. Teachers discussed issues related to the global and local dimensions of human rights, discussed the stereotypes and prejudices that often make our conclusions false and wrong.
“Round Table” where teachers and educators shared their experience in different methods of extracurricular activities on Holocaust history summed up the seminar.
“The program is three-day seminar, full of atmosphere of tolerance, was interesting to the extent that I lost sense of time. I would like to express gratitude and appreciation to the organizers of the seminar for the large scale of work they did, for attention to each person, for opportunity to cooperate with colleagues and for motivation to implement new ideas. I am sure that each of the participants will bear the idea of tolerance to his house, will share his/her knowledge with colleagues and pupils”
Maryna Kuryn, History teacher of secondary school, Zakarpatia region