On August 18, 2015 in Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training (DRIATT) conducted traditional August meetings for heads of district and city methodological unions of History, Law and Social Studies teachers dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. Dr Igor Shchupak, "Tkuma" Institute and Museum Director, participated in the meeting.
The topic of the meeting was "Enhancing the Effectiveness of History and Social Studies Lessons by Creative Learning". Viktoriya Krotenko, Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy and Psychology of DRIATT, opened the meeting with lecture on educational strategies of socialization of personality in civil society.
Dr Igor Shchupak described the changes in history curriculum and presented his report on the topic "How to Make Education Interesting. Integration of the Museum Potential in Educational Work". Presentation of the history textbooks on the Middle Ages for 7th form pupils aroused the audience's interest and teachers and methodologists noted that the textbook qualitatively differs from those educational publications offered to pupils now.
Lyudmyla Bazylevska, Head of Educational Laboratory of Social Sciences, Department of Humanitarian Education at DRIATT, continued the meeting. On the example of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine she told about countermeasures to anti-Ukrainian ideology and propaganda of separatism in education.
At the end of the meeting participants outlined main directions of methodological unions' work in the new school year and identified teachers' opportunities in a gradual and efficient implementation of the latest trends in history and social science teaching.