On August 09, online seminar for Ukrainian educators – history teachers and scientists – organized by “Tkuma” Institute and the Jewish Museum Berlin was held.
A rich educational program awaited the participants throughout the day. Ukrainian teachers had the opportunity to meet online with employees of the Jewish Museum Berlin, to discuss educational and educational museum projects dedicated to Jewish history, the tragedy of the Holocaust and the problems of memorialization.
The participants of the seminar took a virtual tour of the Jewish Museum Berlin, getting acquainted not only with the updated permanent exhibition and its concept, but also with the On.tour mobile museum exhibition and its key areas of activity. They also took part in an interactive workshop dedicated to anti-Semitism in history and today.
German and Ukrainian educators also exchanged experience in organizing and conducting practical classes for schoolchildren, students, and adults on the history of the Holocaust, took an active part in discussing what they heard and expressed wishes for further cooperation.
We sincerely thank our colleagues from the Jewish Museum Berlin for the opportunity to hold an online seminar! We believe that the next seminar will take place offline directly in Berlin.