On May 26, the last webinar in this academic year “Fair criticism of the lessons, hate language and fakes instead of justice”, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, “Orion” Ukrainian Educational Publishing Center (Kyiv) was held.
The following speakers became participants of the webinar:
- Olena Burlaka, honored teacher of Ukraine, history teacher, deputy director of Horodyshche economical lyceum of Horodyshche district council of the Cherkasy region; one of the best specialists in the implementation of multimedia in the historical education in Ukraine. Co-author of history textbooks for 5-7 grades, winner of the All-Ukrainian Contest “Teacher of the Year – 2016” in the nomination “History”, winner of the O. Zakharenko regional prize. (Cherkasy region).
-Serhii Horbachov, Ukrainian educator, the first educational ombudsman, member of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine board and the board of the State Education Quality Service of Ukraine, co-author of the book “Internal quality assurance system of education. Alphabet for the head teacher”, journalist, editor, author and trainer of media literacy courses (Kyiv);
-Rayisa Evtushenko, honored worker of education of Ukraine, chief specialist of the department of education content, language policy and education of national minorities at the Directorate of preschool and school education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kyiv);
-Ella Sytnyk, teacher of history and jurisprudence of Kyiv specialized school № 250, specialist of the highest category, teacher-methodologist, excellent education of Ukraine, vice-champion of the competition “Teacher of the Year – 2007” in the nomination “Science of Law”, co-author of a textbook on civic education, history teacher on ProZNO (about Independent External Evaluation) and All-Ukrainian online school (Kyiv);
-Tetiana Teren, vice president of the Ukrainian PEN, journalist, curator of cultural projects (Kyiv);
Dr. Igor Shchupak was the moderator of the event.
During the webinar, the following issues were considered, in particular:
- Why do a “teacher mistakes” occur and can they be avoided?
- What is society's reaction to mistakes? Where is the line between fair criticism and hate language?
- Are there mistakes that cannot be forgiven?
- How the lessons of the All-Ukrainian online school are organized?
- What will happen to distance education in the future?
We would like to remind, that You can watch all our webinars on “Tkuma” Institute YouTube channel.