On May 19, next “historical webinar” organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and “Orion” Ukrainian Educational Publishing Center (Kyiv) on “Deportation of Crimean Tatar people and ethnic communities of Crimea: Soviet crime, which has a sequel” was held.
The webinar was dedicated to the Day of Struggle for Crimean Tatar people rights, which commemorates the victims of the deportation of Crimean Tatars. – forced eviction of Crimean Tatar people outside the Crimean Autonomous Republic, on May 18–20, 1944. According to official data, 183,155 people were evicted from their homes in a few days.
Leading experts on the subject were invited to participate in the webinar:
- Gulnara Bekirova, historian, candidate of political science, deputy chairman of the Special Kurultai commission on Crimean Tatar people genocide study, member of the PEN Ukraine, employee of the ATR TV channel, Winner of the International Bekir Choban-Zade Prize, finalist of the All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year -2017” (Kyiv)
- Serhii Gromenko, candidate of historical sciences, observer of “Crimea. Realia”/”Radio Svoboda”, author of 5 books on Crimea history, Winner of the V International competition Jerzy Giedroyc (2011), finalist of the All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year -2019” (Kyiv)
-Dilfuza Hlushchenko, researcher of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” (Dnipro)
- Svitlana Kaiuk, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, head of the historical department of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region (Dnipro)
- Ihor Kocherhin, doctor of historical sciences, head of the Southeast Interregional Division of the Office of National Remembrance Policy of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, professor of the Dnipro University of Technology, head of the Board of Dnipropetrovsk regional organization National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine (Dnipro)
Igor Shchupak, Ph. D., honored educator of Ukraine, director of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, member of the German-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Polish historical commissions (Dnipro) was the moderator of the webinar.
The following issues were discussed during the webinar:
- What were the Soviet myths about Crimean Tatars?
- By the textbook’s pages: what do Ukrainian youth know about Crimean Tatars?
- Was Stalin an internationalist?
- Soviet national policy, deportations of peoples and mass repressions;
- Legends and facts about the “reasons” for the deportation of Crimean Tatars;
- Humanity in the inhuman times: who and how rescued their neighbors during the World War II in the Crimea and in the places of deportation of the ruble;
- Memory on the genocides: deportation of Crimean Tatars, Holodomor, Holocaust (museum exhibitions, books and articles, film “Haytarma” and “87 Children” by Akhtem Seitablayev).
Special attention during the webinar was paid to the museum display of the deportation of Crimean Tatars and other peoples of Crimea. In particular, researcher Dilfuza Hlushchenko told about the creation of the first permanent exhibition in our country dedicated to this tragic page of our past in Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”.
You can watch the webinar on the YouTube channel of “Tkuma” Institute.