On March 30-31, 2017 Annual Seminar of Jewish and Holocaust History was organized and conducted by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” and Zaporizhzhia National University.
Strong practical component, in particular, nationwide methodological session for history teachers, became the feature of this year’s seminar. The grand opening began with a plenary session. The welcoming speeches were made by Dr. Igor Shchupak, director of “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum; Prof. Hennadii Vasylchuk, ZNU Vice Rector for scientific work and Prof. Volodymyr Milchev, Dean of the Faculty of History. Then, the plenary session was continued with reports by Prof. Volodymyr Milchev, Prof. Oleksandr Davlietov, Dr. Igor Shchupak and Dr. Roman Moldavsky.
Then the conference continued to work in the format of sections – “Jewish and Holocaust History and Historical Memory”, focusing of various subjects related to the history of Jews in Ukraine and the world in the 18-21 c. and the Holocaust history, and “Holocaust in Philosophy and Philology”, dedicated to range of issues related primarily to the images of Jews and the Holocaust in works of art and works of Jewish writers.
The second day of educational event was dedicated to the round table “The Use of Multimedia Technology in Teaching World War II and the Holocaust History”. Teachers from different regions of Ukraine presented their experiences and best practices in the use of technology during the educational process – from conduction of international video-conferences to attracting students to create documentaries.