Category: Booklets
Editor: "Tkuma"
Pages: 12
Library: Tkuma Publications
Location: Dnipro
Year: 2017
File: 2017_mobilny_vistavki_for_inet.pdf

Hits: 2703


The new booklet is dedicated to highlighting the peculiarities of the practical use of mobile exhibitions - one of the most popular educational projects of "Tkuma" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies.

Mobile information banners are organized by sections:

1. General mobile exhibitions;
1.1 "Tkuma" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies;
1.2  Museum "Jewosh Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine";
2. Thematic mobile exhibitions;
2.1 "Ukraine Before the Second World War";
2.2 "Second World War and the Holocaust";
2.3 "Tragedies of the twentieth century".

Each year, more than 10,000 people - school and university students, and teachers - attend mobile exhibitions. Exhibitions are held in all regions of Ukraine.